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Dear customers and partners, 

KYORITSU recognizes the rapidly growing impact of the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic. Within the current situation, we are proactively taking steps to protect employees, customers, shareholders, and local communities.

We have proactively introduced a range of measures, from monitoring the well-being of our employees and promoting workplace hygiene, to implementing restrictions on in-person meetings and travel, promoting teleworking, and requiring self-isolation for those who have travelled to affected regions. 

KYORITSU remains committed to supporting customers during this time and minimizing disruption. When KYORITSU have impacted for any reason for shipment and product support, we will inform you.

Period: April 8th – May 6th, 2020

During above period, telephone and Fax of our office is stopped. 

If you have any questions or require support, please don't hesitate to contact our representatives or via email ( We are committed to working closely with you as we navigate this difficult situation together.
