Applicable model

  • KEW 2510

KEW Windows for KEW 2510

How to install:

When "KEW Windows for KEW 2510" has been installed in your computer, be sure to uninstall it via Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
Then install new "KEW Windows for KEW 2510".

  1. Click the  file name, it will be automatically download to the folder you chose.
  2. Double-click "KewWin2510v131Inst_eng.exe". Installation starts after the file is unzipped. Follow the instruction displayed.

Operating System

Version File
Windows 11/10 V1.31

Version history

Version Date Remark
1.31 Jul.2023
  • Instruction manual is updated.


  • Compatible with Windows 11.

The following problems are solved.

  • Data download errors.
  • List print errors.



The following problems are solved.

  • Problem occurs at enlarging graphic display.
  • Problem occurs at data downloading.


  • Defect fixed that causes incorrect graphical data display; in some language environment using a “space” to separate digits.
  • Defect fixed that causes download failure: when connecting more than one KEW2510, data downloading from the second or later units fails.
1.10 Sep.2016
  • Initial issue